What are you?

Writers write :: Pick a first line and write for 10 minutes :: Don't stop. Don't edit. Don't judge. :: Write.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy One-Month Anniversary! Now don't break the chain....

The Quicksies blog started one month ago.  Happy Anniversary, everyone!

How many days this month did you write?

In physical fitness, it's said that there's a very small difference between the mindset of someone who exercises for five hours a day and someone who exercises for fifteen minutes a day.  The biggest gap is between those who exercise for fifteen minutes and those who don't exercise at all.

Behaviorally, you have to do something for 28 days in a row for it to become a habit.  This blog is now a habit with me.

I'd like to challenge everyone reading this to make Quicksies a habit.  May has 31 days.  Pick 28 consecutive days this month and make yourself write for ten minutes.  You can use the Quicksies first lines, or some other exercises.  But do it every day for 28 days.  See what results from it.

A great way to stay motivated is to use a "don't break the chain" calendar, like this one at The Writers Store.  The idea is that you draw a big "X" on each day that you do your exercise.  It tricks the mind into not wanting to break the chain of Xs on the calendar.  When you focus on "keep the chain going," you forget to make excuses or find reasons not to write.

In fact, the opposite happens.  You go out of your way to find time to write, not for the satisfaction of writing, but for the satisfaction of putting a big X on your calendar to keep the chain unbroken.

There are tons of calendar aps that let you do this, or a good old-fashioned wall calendar can provide great motivation as it hangs over your desk.  Pick a calendar, write for ten minutes, and get the satisfaction of drawing a big X to show you did it.


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